Frequently Asked Questions

Is Quakemap free?

Quakemap is free to use and does not require registration or a subscription. In order to keep the app free, we display Google Ads in the form of a banner.

What sources are used for earthquake data?

We use the Earthquake Hazards feed provided by The U.S. Geological Survey. This data feed is updated every minute.

What sources are used for earthquake news?

We use Google's News service for news about earthquakes. News is limited up to one hundred articles.

I have a problem, how do I contact support?

Please get in touch with us at We will respond to your inquiry within a few business days.

How often is the earthquake data updated?

The earthquake data on Quakemap is updated every minute to ensure you have the most current information available.

Can I customize the map appearance?

Yes, Quakemap allows you to customize the appearance of the map, including toggling specific geographic features such as plate boundaries and choosing between light and dark themes.

How accurate is the earthquake information?

Quakemap uses data from the U.S. Geological Survey, which is a reliable and authoritative source for earthquake information.

General support

We're here to help

Have a question about the app? Found a bug? Have a suggestion for a feature? Let's start a conversation. We typically respond within a few business days.